Loving the Pictures of the New ME

 A photograph never grows old.  You and I change, people change all through the years, but a photograph always remains the same. ~  Albert Einstein

The New “ME”

I can’t remember the last time I can actually say I liked looking at myself in a video or a picture (not even my wedding pictures). Each time we had to take family photos, I usually ran for cover, meaning I always ran to the back of the group and let everyone cover me just showing my face. If I wasn’t looking for cover then I wasn’t in the picture at all because I would volunteer to take them. 

Every time I used to see myself  in a picture, it was like getting a glimpse or getting a reminder of the unhappy person I was, even though, there was always a smile on my face. 

I avoided to look at myself in the mirror unless it was totally necessary.  In your mind sometimes you carry an image of yourself and when you actually see yourself reality sets in.

The first picture I actually liked

I remember the actual picture that I liked for the first time after being on my weight loss journey for awhile.  I couldn’t believe that it was actually me. Needless to say I framed it and it’s in my living room to this day.  

As time went by, I started liking what I was seeing.  Perhaps it was because I started loving myself more or perhaps it was the starting point of me becoming a narcissus. LOL

I Remember ME

As I said before in the past, as you lose weight, the brain moves slower than the physical part. To this day, I still avoid looking at myself in the mirror at times, but when I get a glimpse, I kind of LIKE what I see.  So now, I have started taking pictures of myself more and more.

I must confess that every time I look at these new pictures, I have to stare at them for awhile to register in my mind that this person is really the new me.  I now look at my old pictures as reminders of the place I used to be and how far I have traveled.

So here are some of the pictures I have taken through my journey as I came out of my own cocoon.

 Loving My New ME:

Really posing for a pictureUnbelievable!

With the man that stole my heart many years ago

He loved me then and He loves me now….


A picture is worth a thousand words.~ Napoleon Bonaporte


Some of my favorites

More of my favorites


Life is like  a camera… Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.~ Unknown

Related Link:
My Weight Loss Journey – I Lost 100+ Pounds


  1. By Anonymous July 25, 2012
  2. By Anomymous July 25, 2012
  3. By Patti July 25, 2012