Happy Belated 2nd Birthday – A New Camino

Happy Belated 2nd Birthday A New Camino.  I can’t believe it was 2 years ago on January 9, since I started A New Camino.  Two years ago I decided to start documenting my way back from that horrible diagnosis that stopped my life as I knew it.

Sorry to be a little late wishing it a Happy Birthday, but in honor of its birthday, January being cervical cancer awareness month, and this year marking a milestone for me — I decided A New Camino needed a new look, and more TLC – so for January it was under construction.  I hope you all like its new look. Yay!!

 I often think of those sayings “Nothing happens without a reason” and “God doesn’t give you anything that you cannot handle.” – It’s TRUE!!!

I guess I had to travel a few journeys to get where I am – a good and comfortable place for now.  My cancer journey has taught me so many things about myself.  Cancer showed me that I was stronger than I thought.  I lost some of my identity, but I gained so much more in return.  I also have met so many wonderful and amazing warriors- who I call my survivor sisters.

This year marks a milestone for me – On May 5, 2014. I will be celebrating my FIFTH year of being Cancer FREE.  WOW!!!! It has been five years since I heard those words as I held my breath.

AHA 2013 Lifestyle Change Award

It has been an amazing journey back so far – a journey that I am still traveling.  Many Ups and Downs that I’ve taken in strive because I am always grateful for being here – I’M ALIVE!!!! 

I always have said that cancer changes your life forever and that you have to re-invent yourself afterwards.  On October 6, 2013, I was honored to have received the American Heart Association 2013 Lifestyle Change Award.   I was proud beyond belief – this award validated for me what I’ve been working on since that horrible day when I heard the word CANCER and thought my days were counted.  

I want to thank so many people for their unconditional support and love – I wish I could name every single one of you, but you know who you are.  I want to thank my amazing family and my rock that keeps me grounded, my wonderful husband Freddie. 

I want to thank my doctor, Dr. Jason D. Wright. M.D. – – with the grace of God he had the vision and knowledge to help save my life.  Thank you for sometimes going beyond the call of duty, and for always wanting to

Dr. Wright and Me

support me and my mission.

 Thank you to all of you for following my journey and your continuous support and cheers.  I hope you continue to follow me because the journey continues.  This is just the beginning of A New Camino.

“We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take from us or spare us.” ~ Marcel Proust