My Hard Work Has Paid Off….
As many of you know, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes about a year and a half ago and I was put on oral medication for it. I was also on high blood pressure and high cholesterol medication.
My doctor gave me a firm warning about my health. The path I was on was leading me to jeopardize my life. The fact that I write about health on my other blog was making me feel a little bit of a hypocrite since I was not practicing what I was preaching.
I had to take responsibility for myself and make a U-turn. I realized that I was the only one that needed to take action and I had to make the right decision. I’m a cancer survivor and I love paying it forward by being an advocate for cervical cancer, but I was forgetting one important thing. I was forgetting about the gift I’d been given, a second chance, a second shot at life.
Since last July I made the decision to take care of myself by eating healthier and exercising. It has been hard at times, nothing worthwhile is ever easy, but consistency and dedication pays off.
Due to my diabetes, I see my doctor every three months and on my recent visit my doctor gave me the good news that he was taking me off all medications. My blood glucose has been under normal range, I don’t have high blood pressure and my cholesterol is normal.
“Health is the state about which medicine has nothing to say” ~ W.H. Auden
Wow! I couldn’t believe it. It can be done!!! I did it!! This is not the end of my destination, this is the beginning. I have to continue on the path and make these changes my new lifestyle. The difference on how I feel is amazing, and feeling good gives me motivation in itself. I still get checked every three months by my doctor, but I have learned to be accountable for own health and destiny.
Related Links to My Weight Loss Journey:
I Won Ketsy and Lost Pounds – Part III
I Won Ketsy and Lost Pounds – Part II
I Won Ketsy and Lost Pounds – Part I
Zumba and Spinning for a Newbie
Running Like A Diva