The Reason I Walk the NYC Walk To Beat The Clock
I still remember the first time I walked the NYC Walk to Beat the Clock. It was September 19, 2009, exactly three months after finishing my treatments and my doctor had given me the great news that I was “cancer free”.
So here I was– cancer free. You might think I should have been jumping up and down. Right? Well, not quite. I was feeling grateful and relieved. God had given me a second shot at life, but I still felt numb and uncertain.
Doctors don’t tell you what to do next after they have done their job nor is there a manual to guide you on what to do. You have to kind of figure it out yourself, figure out how to pick up all the pieces and put them back together.
My brother in attempt to help me, and while searching the internet found the NYC Walk to Beat the Clock – A Cervical Cancer Awareness and Prevention Walk. Wow! what a coincidence or was it?? I will never know.
Tamika Felder and Me |
He insisted that we participate. At first I did not want to. I wanted to stay in my shell, in my own cocoon, but he insisted so much that I eventually gave in. It was here that I met Tamika Felder, a cervical cancer survivor and CEO/Founder of Tamika and Friends, Inc. along with many other cervical cancer survivors.
These women embraced me as their “survivor sister” without even knowing me. I immediately felt the warmth and felt inspired. They were sharing their own stories never the less similar to mine. I knew then that “I was not alone”, and I wanted to join the movement.
Me with my husband (L) and my brother (R) |
I was not keeping quiet anymore. I did not have to feel ashamed. I wanted to share my story too. I wanted to educate other women that my journey did not have to be theirs. So I approached Tamika and offered my help. I wanted to become one of her “friends”. Now, I am proud to be part of Tamika & Friends, Inc. and I have walked ever since.
I walk for ME, for those who cannot walk and for those that have lost the battle. I walk because I am committed to help with the eradication of Cervical Cancer. This disease takes away your identity and it affects you and the people around you and unfortunately, in many cases, it even takes your life. No woman should feel alone in the fight. No woman should die or lose their fertility to cervical cancer!!
Cervical Cancer Survivors |
The walk this year will take place on September 22, 2012 at Carl Schurz Park, E. 86th Street and East End Avenue. From 8am – 12pm. Please join us on this great cause and help end cervical cancer. You can join an existing team, walk individual, create your own team or volunteer.
All proceeds from the walk go back into Tamika and Friends, Inc. to support the various programs we have in place to help those living with cervical cancer and cervical cancer survivors.
If you cannot make the walk, then please consider making a donation. You can register or donate by visiting
If you want to sponsor me and/or my awesome team or want to join our team, please click on the name of the team below and it will take you to our page. I thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
The Tumor Terminators Team 2011 |
“My cancer scare changed my life. I’m grateful for every new, healthy day I have. It has helped me priortize my life.: ~ Olivia Newton-John
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