What Is Cervivor?
So I am sure that by now you must have heard of Cervivor. If you haven’t, then let me tell you what this revolution is all about. I’m so excited to be part of this amazing project.
Cervivor is a project launched by Tamika and Friends, Inc. in September of 2013, and its a nonprofit organization that works to prevent cervical cancer diagnosis through patient education and survivor empowerment.
- You’ll hear other women’s stories.
- You’ll get the latest news in HPV and cervical cancer prevention and treatment.
- You’ll hear how to have a steamy sex life after cancer or how to deal with the frustration of fertility issues.
CervivorTV will feature survivor stories (including your story if you want!), tools for survivors to use to become advocates, and information on upcoming events.
Cervivor will also be able to connect newly diagnosed women with survivors who can help them get through the hardest of days.
While everyone experiences cancer as an individual, Cervivor wants to help survivors bring their collective wisdom together to create a community of advocates.
If you want to know more or you want to join the revolution, this is what you can do:
- Sign up for updates so you can be one of the first to see the great interviews, hear about special happenings, and learn about how to apply for Cervivor School (yes, there is an application! But don’t worry– It will be short and sweet.)
- Subscribe today to CervivorTV, the YouTube channel.
- And don’t forget to keep visiting Cervivor at www.cervivor.org.
This is the beginning of a Cervivor Revolution!!!!!